Module ariths_gen.core.arithmetic_circuits.multiplier_circuit


class MultiplierCircuit (prefix: str,
name: str,
out_N: int,
inner_component: bool = False,
inputs: list = [],
one_bit_circuit: bool = False,
signed: bool = False,
outname: str = '',

Class represents a general multiplier circuit derived from GeneralCircuit class.

The init method calls parent class init method which fills some mandatory attributes concerning general circuit that are later used for generation into various representations.

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class MultiplierCircuit(GeneralCircuit):
    """Class represents a general multiplier circuit derived from `GeneralCircuit` class.

    The __init__ method calls parent class __init__ method which fills some mandatory attributes concerning general circuit
    that are later used for generation into various representations.
    def __init__(self, prefix: str, name: str, out_N: int, inner_component: bool = False, inputs: list = [], one_bit_circuit: bool = False, signed: bool = False, outname: str = "", **kwargs):
        super().__init__(prefix=prefix, name=name, out_N=out_N, inner_component=inner_component, inputs=inputs, one_bit_circuit=one_bit_circuit, signed=signed, outname=outname, **kwargs)

    # Array/approximate multipliers
    def get_previous_partial_product(self, a_index: int, b_index: int, mult_type=""):
        """Used in array and approximate multipliers to get previous row's component output wires for further connection to another component's input.

            a_index (int): First input wire index.
            b_index (int): Second input wire index.
            mult_type (string, optional): Specifies what type of multiplier circuit has called this method. It is used for proper retrieval of index into the components list to allow appropriate interconnection of the multiplier circuit's inner subcomponents. It expects "" for ordinary multipliers, `bam` or `tm` for specific approximate multipliers. Defaults to "".

            Wire: Previous row's component wire of corresponding pp.
        # To get the index of previous row's connecting adder and its generated pp
        if mult_type == "bam":
            # TODO alter to be more compact
            ids_sum = 0
            for row in range(self.horizontal_cut + self.ommited_rows, b_index):
                first_row_elem_id = self.vertical_cut-row if self.vertical_cut-row > 0 else 0
                # First pp row composed just from gates
                if row == self.horizontal_cut + self.ommited_rows:
                    # Minus one because the first component has index 0 instead of 1
                    ids_sum += sum([1 for gate_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N)])-1
                elif row == b_index-1:
                    ids_sum += sum([2 for gate_adder_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N) if gate_adder_pos <= a_index+1])
                    ids_sum += sum([2 for gate_adder_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N)])
            # Index calculation should be redone, but it works even this way
            index = ids_sum+2 if a_index == self.N-1 else ids_sum
        elif mult_type == "tm":
            index = ((b_index-self.truncation_cut-2) * ((self.N-self.truncation_cut)*2)) + ((self.N-self.truncation_cut-1)+2*(a_index-self.truncation_cut+2))
            index = ((b_index-2) * ((self.N)*2)) + ((self.N-1)+2*(a_index+2))

        # Get carry wire as input for the last adder in current row
        if a_index == self.N-1:
            index = index-2
            return self.components[index].get_carry_wire()
        # Get sum wire as input for current adder
            return self.components[index].get_sum_wire()

    # Dadda/Wallace multipliers
    def get_maximum_height(initial_value: int):
        """Used in dadda multipliers to get multiplier's maximum height.

        Maximum height sequence as defined here:
        d(j=1) = 2; d(j+1) = floor(1.5*d)

        `j` stands for initial stage value
        `d` stands for maximum height for current initial stage value

            initial_value (int): Initial algorithms stage value.

            int, int: Current algorithms stage and maximum bits (height) allowed in a column for current stage.
        stage = 0
        d = 2
        while True:
            stage += 1
            max_height = d
            # Calculating maximum height sequence
            # d(j=1) = 2; d(j+1) = floor(1.5*d)
            d = math.floor(1.5*d)
            if d >= initial_value:
                return stage, max_height

    def init_row_lengths(self):
        """Creates appropriate number of partial product rows along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.

            list: List of partial product rows with their bit pairs.
        rows = [[] for _ in range(self.N)]
        rows = [self.add_row_wires(row=row, row_index=rows.index(row)) for row in rows]
        return rows

    def add_row_wires(self, row: list, row_index: int):
        """Fills circuit's partial product row with corresponding bit pairs.

            row (list): List representing row of partial product bits.
            row_index (int): Index of partial products row.

            list: Updated row list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp row.
        # Number of partial products present in the row (should be equal to circuit's input bus size)
        row_pp_count = self.N
        # Adding neccessary number of lists (based on number of bits in the row – stored in `row_pp_count`)
        # to row that each represent individual bit pairs for described row (these bit pairs are then combined in AND/NAND gates)
        [row.append([]) for _ in range(row_pp_count)]

        # Filling row bit pair lists with appropriate bits
        [row[index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(row_pp_count)]
        [row[index].append(self.b.get_wire(row_index)) for index in range(row_pp_count)]

        # Converting unsigned rows of pp bit pair lists into AND gates
        if self.signed is False:
            row[0:] = [self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count)]
        # Converting signed rows of pp bit pair lists into AND/NAND gates (based on Baugh-Wooley multiplication algorithm)
            # Partial product bit pairs of all rows (expect for the last one) are connected to AND gates, besides the last pp bit pair in each row that is connected to a NAND gate
            if row_index != self.N-1:
                row[0:row_pp_count-1] = [self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count-1)]

                row[row_pp_count-1] = self.add_component(NandGate(a=row[row_pp_count-1][0], b=row[row_pp_count-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][0].index)+'_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][1].index), parent_component=self)).out
            # Partial product bit pairs of the last row are connected to NAND gates besides the last pp pair that is connected to an AND gate
                row[0:row_pp_count-1] = [self.add_component(NandGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count-1)]

                row[row_pp_count-1] = self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[row_pp_count-1][0], b=row[row_pp_count-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][0].index)+'_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][1].index), parent_component=self)).out

        pp_row_wires = Bus(prefix=f"pp_row{row_index}", wires_list=row)
        return pp_row_wires

    def init_column_heights(self):
        """Creates appropriate number of partial product columns along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.

            list: List of partial product columns with their bit pairs.
        columns = [[num] if num <= self.N else [num - (num - self.N)*2] for num in range(1, self.out.N)]
        columns = [self.add_column_wires(column=col, column_index=columns.index(col)) for col in columns]
        return columns

    def add_column_wires(self, column: list, column_index: int):
        """Fills circuit's partial product column with corresponding bit pairs.

            column (list): List representing column of partial product bits.
            column_index (int): Index of partial products column.

            list: Updated column list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp column.
        # Adding neccessary number of lists (based on number of bits in the column – stored in `column[0]`)
        # to column that each represent individual bit pairs for described column (these bit pairs are then combined in AND/NAND gates)
        [column.append([]) for _ in range(column[0])]
        # Filling column bit pair lists with appropriate bits
        if column_index <= self.N-1:
            [column[column[0]-index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(0, column[0])]
            [column[index+1].append(self.b.get_wire(index)) for index in range(0, column[0])]
            [column[self.a.N-index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(self.a.N-1, self.a.N-column[0]-1, -1)]
            [column[index-(self.a.N-1-column[0])].append(self.b.get_wire(index)) for index in range(self.a.N-column[0], self.a.N)]

        # Converting unsigned column pp bit pair lists into AND gates
        if self.signed is False:
            column[1:] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(1, len(column))]
        # Converting signed column pp bit pair lists into AND/NAND gates (based on Baugh-Wooley multiplication algorithm)
            # First half of partial product columns contains only AND gates
            if column_index < self.N-1 or column_index == self.out.N-2:
                column[1:] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(1, len(column))]
            # Second half of partial product columns contains NAND/AND gates
                column[1] = NandGate(a=column[1][0], b=column[1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(column[1][0].index)+'_'+str(column[1][1].index), parent_component=self)
                column[-1] = NandGate(a=column[-1][0], b=column[-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(column[-1][0].index)+'_'+str(column[-1][1].index), parent_component=self)
                if len(column[2:-1]) != 0:
                    column[2:-1] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(2, len(column)-1)]

        return column

    def get_column_height(self, column_num: int):
        """Retrieves the current height of desired partial products column.

            column_num (int): Index of pp column.

            int: Height of the current bit column.
        return self.columns[column_num][0]

    def update_column_heights(self, curr_column: int, curr_height_change: int, next_column: int = 0, next_height_change: int = 0):
        """Updates height of desired column and optionally also its subsequent column.

        Used within dadda and wallace multipliers to perform gradual reduction of partial product columns through the stages.
        Allows to choose the height change to take effect on the chosen column index and optionally also the same for the following
        column if it should also be affected.

            curr_column (int): Current pp column index.
            curr_height_change (int): Height change for the chosen current pp column.
            next_column (int, optional): Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
            next_height_change (int, optional): Height change for the chosen subsequent pp column. Defaults to 0.
        self.columns[curr_column][0] = self.get_column_height(curr_column)+curr_height_change
        if next_column-1 == curr_column:
            self.columns[next_column][0] = self.get_column_height(next_column)+next_height_change

    def add_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int):
        """Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

        If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, it is reduced and replaced with AND/NAND gate output wire accordingly.
        Either former logic gate's output wire or present wire is returned.

            column (int): Partial product column index.
            bit (int): Bit position within the chosen column.

            Wire: Return Wire present at specified position.
        # Checks if a logic gate is present at desired column bit position. If so the gate is added to circuit's list of subcomponents,
        # and the former logic gates's output bit replaces the gate at desired column bit position. This output wire is also returned to the caller.
        if isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], AndGate) or isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], NandGate):
            return self.get_previous_component(1).out
            return self.columns[column][bit+1]

    def get_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int):
        """Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

        If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, AND/NAND gate output wire is returned,
        if not the wire present at the desired position is returned.

            column (int): Partial product column index.
            bit (int): Bit position within the chosen column.

            Wire: Return Wire present at specified position.
        # Checks if a logic gate is present at desired column bit position. If so, its output bit is returned.
        if isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], AndGate) or isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], NandGate):
            return self.columns[column][bit+1].out
            return self.columns[column][bit+1]

    def update_column_wires(self, curr_column: int, adder: GeneralCircuit, next_column: int = 0):
        """Provides bit height reduction of the chosen column.

        Inserts chosen column's top bits into an `adder` circuit to reduce its bit height.
        Generated sum is stored to the bottom of the column and generated carry bit is stored to the top of the next column.

            curr_column (int): Current pp column index.
            adder (GeneralCircuit): Two/three input one bit adder.
            next_column (int, optional): Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
        if hasattr(adder, "c"):
            self.columns[curr_column].insert(self.get_column_height(curr_column), adder.get_sum_wire())
            self.columns[curr_column].insert(self.get_column_height(curr_column), adder.get_sum_wire())

        if next_column-1 == curr_column:
            self.columns[next_column].insert(1, adder.get_carry_wire())



Static methods

def get_maximum_height(initial_value: int)

Used in dadda multipliers to get multiplier's maximum height.

Maximum height sequence as defined here: d(j=1) = 2; d(j+1) = floor(1.5*d)

j stands for initial stage value d stands for maximum height for current initial stage value


initial_value : int
Initial algorithms stage value.


int, int
Current algorithms stage and maximum bits (height) allowed in a column for current stage.
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def get_maximum_height(initial_value: int):
    """Used in dadda multipliers to get multiplier's maximum height.

    Maximum height sequence as defined here:
    d(j=1) = 2; d(j+1) = floor(1.5*d)

    `j` stands for initial stage value
    `d` stands for maximum height for current initial stage value

        initial_value (int): Initial algorithms stage value.

        int, int: Current algorithms stage and maximum bits (height) allowed in a column for current stage.
    stage = 0
    d = 2
    while True:
        stage += 1
        max_height = d
        # Calculating maximum height sequence
        # d(j=1) = 2; d(j+1) = floor(1.5*d)
        d = math.floor(1.5*d)
        if d >= initial_value:
            return stage, max_height


def add_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int)

Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, it is reduced and replaced with AND/NAND gate output wire accordingly. Either former logic gate's output wire or present wire is returned.


column : int
Partial product column index.
bit : int
Bit position within the chosen column.


Return Wire present at specified position.
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def add_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int):
    """Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

    If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, it is reduced and replaced with AND/NAND gate output wire accordingly.
    Either former logic gate's output wire or present wire is returned.

        column (int): Partial product column index.
        bit (int): Bit position within the chosen column.

        Wire: Return Wire present at specified position.
    # Checks if a logic gate is present at desired column bit position. If so the gate is added to circuit's list of subcomponents,
    # and the former logic gates's output bit replaces the gate at desired column bit position. This output wire is also returned to the caller.
    if isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], AndGate) or isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], NandGate):
        return self.get_previous_component(1).out
        return self.columns[column][bit+1]
def add_column_wires(self, column: list, column_index: int)

Fills circuit's partial product column with corresponding bit pairs.


column : list
List representing column of partial product bits.
column_index : int
Index of partial products column.


Updated column list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp column.
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def add_column_wires(self, column: list, column_index: int):
    """Fills circuit's partial product column with corresponding bit pairs.

        column (list): List representing column of partial product bits.
        column_index (int): Index of partial products column.

        list: Updated column list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp column.
    # Adding neccessary number of lists (based on number of bits in the column – stored in `column[0]`)
    # to column that each represent individual bit pairs for described column (these bit pairs are then combined in AND/NAND gates)
    [column.append([]) for _ in range(column[0])]
    # Filling column bit pair lists with appropriate bits
    if column_index <= self.N-1:
        [column[column[0]-index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(0, column[0])]
        [column[index+1].append(self.b.get_wire(index)) for index in range(0, column[0])]
        [column[self.a.N-index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(self.a.N-1, self.a.N-column[0]-1, -1)]
        [column[index-(self.a.N-1-column[0])].append(self.b.get_wire(index)) for index in range(self.a.N-column[0], self.a.N)]

    # Converting unsigned column pp bit pair lists into AND gates
    if self.signed is False:
        column[1:] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(1, len(column))]
    # Converting signed column pp bit pair lists into AND/NAND gates (based on Baugh-Wooley multiplication algorithm)
        # First half of partial product columns contains only AND gates
        if column_index < self.N-1 or column_index == self.out.N-2:
            column[1:] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(1, len(column))]
        # Second half of partial product columns contains NAND/AND gates
            column[1] = NandGate(a=column[1][0], b=column[1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(column[1][0].index)+'_'+str(column[1][1].index), parent_component=self)
            column[-1] = NandGate(a=column[-1][0], b=column[-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(column[-1][0].index)+'_'+str(column[-1][1].index), parent_component=self)
            if len(column[2:-1]) != 0:
                column[2:-1] = [AndGate(a=column[i][0], b=column[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(column[i][0].index)+'_'+str(column[i][1].index), parent_component=self) for i in range(2, len(column)-1)]

    return column
def add_row_wires(self, row: list, row_index: int)

Fills circuit's partial product row with corresponding bit pairs.


row : list
List representing row of partial product bits.
row_index : int
Index of partial products row.


Updated row list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp row.
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def add_row_wires(self, row: list, row_index: int):
    """Fills circuit's partial product row with corresponding bit pairs.

        row (list): List representing row of partial product bits.
        row_index (int): Index of partial products row.

        list: Updated row list containing corresponding number of input bit pairs to form proper pp row.
    # Number of partial products present in the row (should be equal to circuit's input bus size)
    row_pp_count = self.N
    # Adding neccessary number of lists (based on number of bits in the row – stored in `row_pp_count`)
    # to row that each represent individual bit pairs for described row (these bit pairs are then combined in AND/NAND gates)
    [row.append([]) for _ in range(row_pp_count)]

    # Filling row bit pair lists with appropriate bits
    [row[index].append(self.a.get_wire(index)) for index in range(row_pp_count)]
    [row[index].append(self.b.get_wire(row_index)) for index in range(row_pp_count)]

    # Converting unsigned rows of pp bit pair lists into AND gates
    if self.signed is False:
        row[0:] = [self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count)]
    # Converting signed rows of pp bit pair lists into AND/NAND gates (based on Baugh-Wooley multiplication algorithm)
        # Partial product bit pairs of all rows (expect for the last one) are connected to AND gates, besides the last pp bit pair in each row that is connected to a NAND gate
        if row_index != self.N-1:
            row[0:row_pp_count-1] = [self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count-1)]

            row[row_pp_count-1] = self.add_component(NandGate(a=row[row_pp_count-1][0], b=row[row_pp_count-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][0].index)+'_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][1].index), parent_component=self)).out
        # Partial product bit pairs of the last row are connected to NAND gates besides the last pp pair that is connected to an AND gate
            row[0:row_pp_count-1] = [self.add_component(NandGate(a=row[i][0], b=row[i][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_nand_'+str(row[i][0].index)+'_'+str(row[i][1].index), parent_component=self)).out for i in range(row_pp_count-1)]

            row[row_pp_count-1] = self.add_component(AndGate(a=row[row_pp_count-1][0], b=row[row_pp_count-1][1], prefix=self.prefix+'_and_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][0].index)+'_'+str(row[row_pp_count-1][1].index), parent_component=self)).out

    pp_row_wires = Bus(prefix=f"pp_row{row_index}", wires_list=row)
    return pp_row_wires
def get_column_height(self, column_num: int)

Retrieves the current height of desired partial products column.


column_num : int
Index of pp column.


Height of the current bit column.
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def get_column_height(self, column_num: int):
    """Retrieves the current height of desired partial products column.

        column_num (int): Index of pp column.

        int: Height of the current bit column.
    return self.columns[column_num][0]
def get_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int)

Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, AND/NAND gate output wire is returned, if not the wire present at the desired position is returned.


column : int
Partial product column index.
bit : int
Bit position within the chosen column.


Return Wire present at specified position.
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def get_column_wire(self, column: int, bit: int):
    """Retrieves wire from desired partial product column bit position.

    If bit pair (AND/NAND gate) is present at the desired position, AND/NAND gate output wire is returned,
    if not the wire present at the desired position is returned.

        column (int): Partial product column index.
        bit (int): Bit position within the chosen column.

        Wire: Return Wire present at specified position.
    # Checks if a logic gate is present at desired column bit position. If so, its output bit is returned.
    if isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], AndGate) or isinstance(self.columns[column][bit+1], NandGate):
        return self.columns[column][bit+1].out
        return self.columns[column][bit+1]
def get_previous_partial_product(self, a_index: int, b_index: int, mult_type='')

Used in array and approximate multipliers to get previous row's component output wires for further connection to another component's input.


a_index : int
First input wire index.
b_index : int
Second input wire index.
mult_type : string, optional
Specifies what type of multiplier circuit has called this method. It is used for proper retrieval of index into the components list to allow appropriate interconnection of the multiplier circuit's inner subcomponents. It expects "" for ordinary multipliers, bam or tm for specific approximate multipliers. Defaults to "".


Previous row's component wire of corresponding pp.
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def get_previous_partial_product(self, a_index: int, b_index: int, mult_type=""):
    """Used in array and approximate multipliers to get previous row's component output wires for further connection to another component's input.

        a_index (int): First input wire index.
        b_index (int): Second input wire index.
        mult_type (string, optional): Specifies what type of multiplier circuit has called this method. It is used for proper retrieval of index into the components list to allow appropriate interconnection of the multiplier circuit's inner subcomponents. It expects "" for ordinary multipliers, `bam` or `tm` for specific approximate multipliers. Defaults to "".

        Wire: Previous row's component wire of corresponding pp.
    # To get the index of previous row's connecting adder and its generated pp
    if mult_type == "bam":
        # TODO alter to be more compact
        ids_sum = 0
        for row in range(self.horizontal_cut + self.ommited_rows, b_index):
            first_row_elem_id = self.vertical_cut-row if self.vertical_cut-row > 0 else 0
            # First pp row composed just from gates
            if row == self.horizontal_cut + self.ommited_rows:
                # Minus one because the first component has index 0 instead of 1
                ids_sum += sum([1 for gate_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N)])-1
            elif row == b_index-1:
                ids_sum += sum([2 for gate_adder_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N) if gate_adder_pos <= a_index+1])
                ids_sum += sum([2 for gate_adder_pos in range(first_row_elem_id, self.N)])
        # Index calculation should be redone, but it works even this way
        index = ids_sum+2 if a_index == self.N-1 else ids_sum
    elif mult_type == "tm":
        index = ((b_index-self.truncation_cut-2) * ((self.N-self.truncation_cut)*2)) + ((self.N-self.truncation_cut-1)+2*(a_index-self.truncation_cut+2))
        index = ((b_index-2) * ((self.N)*2)) + ((self.N-1)+2*(a_index+2))

    # Get carry wire as input for the last adder in current row
    if a_index == self.N-1:
        index = index-2
        return self.components[index].get_carry_wire()
    # Get sum wire as input for current adder
        return self.components[index].get_sum_wire()
def init_column_heights(self)

Creates appropriate number of partial product columns along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.


List of partial product columns with their bit pairs.
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def init_column_heights(self):
    """Creates appropriate number of partial product columns along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.

        list: List of partial product columns with their bit pairs.
    columns = [[num] if num <= self.N else [num - (num - self.N)*2] for num in range(1, self.out.N)]
    columns = [self.add_column_wires(column=col, column_index=columns.index(col)) for col in columns]
    return columns
def init_row_lengths(self)

Creates appropriate number of partial product rows along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.


List of partial product rows with their bit pairs.
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def init_row_lengths(self):
    """Creates appropriate number of partial product rows along with filling them with corresponding number of bit pairs.

        list: List of partial product rows with their bit pairs.
    rows = [[] for _ in range(self.N)]
    rows = [self.add_row_wires(row=row, row_index=rows.index(row)) for row in rows]
    return rows
def update_column_heights(self,
curr_column: int,
curr_height_change: int,
next_column: int = 0,
next_height_change: int = 0)

Updates height of desired column and optionally also its subsequent column.

Used within dadda and wallace multipliers to perform gradual reduction of partial product columns through the stages. Allows to choose the height change to take effect on the chosen column index and optionally also the same for the following column if it should also be affected.


curr_column : int
Current pp column index.
curr_height_change : int
Height change for the chosen current pp column.
next_column : int, optional
Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
next_height_change : int, optional
Height change for the chosen subsequent pp column. Defaults to 0.
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def update_column_heights(self, curr_column: int, curr_height_change: int, next_column: int = 0, next_height_change: int = 0):
    """Updates height of desired column and optionally also its subsequent column.

    Used within dadda and wallace multipliers to perform gradual reduction of partial product columns through the stages.
    Allows to choose the height change to take effect on the chosen column index and optionally also the same for the following
    column if it should also be affected.

        curr_column (int): Current pp column index.
        curr_height_change (int): Height change for the chosen current pp column.
        next_column (int, optional): Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
        next_height_change (int, optional): Height change for the chosen subsequent pp column. Defaults to 0.
    self.columns[curr_column][0] = self.get_column_height(curr_column)+curr_height_change
    if next_column-1 == curr_column:
        self.columns[next_column][0] = self.get_column_height(next_column)+next_height_change
def update_column_wires(self,
curr_column: int,
adder: GeneralCircuit,
next_column: int = 0)

Provides bit height reduction of the chosen column.

Inserts chosen column's top bits into an adder circuit to reduce its bit height. Generated sum is stored to the bottom of the column and generated carry bit is stored to the top of the next column.


curr_column : int
Current pp column index.
adder : GeneralCircuit
Two/three input one bit adder.
next_column : int, optional
Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
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def update_column_wires(self, curr_column: int, adder: GeneralCircuit, next_column: int = 0):
    """Provides bit height reduction of the chosen column.

    Inserts chosen column's top bits into an `adder` circuit to reduce its bit height.
    Generated sum is stored to the bottom of the column and generated carry bit is stored to the top of the next column.

        curr_column (int): Current pp column index.
        adder (GeneralCircuit): Two/three input one bit adder.
        next_column (int, optional): Subsequent pp column index. Defaults to 0.
    if hasattr(adder, "c"):
        self.columns[curr_column].insert(self.get_column_height(curr_column), adder.get_sum_wire())
        self.columns[curr_column].insert(self.get_column_height(curr_column), adder.get_sum_wire())

    if next_column-1 == curr_column:
        self.columns[next_column].insert(1, adder.get_carry_wire())

Inherited members