Module ariths_gen.wire_components.buses


class Bus (prefix: str = 'bus',
N: int = 1,
wires_list: list = None,
out_bus: bool = False,
signed: bool = False)

Class representing bus of wires used as inputs/outputs of bigger circuits.

Description of the init method.


prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of the bus. Defaults to "bus".
N : int, optional
Number of wires in the bus. Defaults to 1.
wires_list : list, optional
List of Wire objects used to clone one bus to another. Defaults to None.
out_bus : bool, optional
Specifies whether this Bus is an output bus of some previous component. Defaults to False.
signed : bool, optional
Specifies whether this Bus should consider signed numbers or not (used for C code generation). Defaults to False.
Expand source code
class Bus():
    """Class representing bus of wires used as inputs/outputs of bigger circuits.

    Description of the __init__ method.

        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of the bus. Defaults to "bus".
        N (int, optional): Number of wires in the bus. Defaults to 1.
        wires_list (list, optional): List of Wire objects used to clone one bus to another. Defaults to None.
        out_bus (bool, optional): Specifies whether this Bus is an output bus of some previous component. Defaults to False.
        signed (bool, optional): Specifies whether this Bus should consider signed numbers or not (used for C code generation). Defaults to False.
    def __init__(self, prefix: str = "bus", N: int = 1, wires_list: list = None, out_bus: bool = False, signed: bool = False):
        self.out_bus = out_bus
        if wires_list is None:
            self.prefix = prefix
            # Adding wires into current bus's wires list (wire names are concatenated from bus prefix and their index position inside the bus in square brackets)
            self.bus = [Wire(name=prefix+f"[{i}]" if N != 1 else prefix, prefix=prefix, index=i, parent_bus=self) for i in range(N)]
            self.N = N
            self.prefix = prefix
            self.bus = wires_list
            self.N = len(self.bus)

        # Determine C code signedness
        self.signed = signed
        if self.N > 8:
            self.c_var_size = 64
            if signed is True:
                self.c_type = "int64_t"
                self.c_type = "uint64_t"
            self.c_var_size = 8
            if signed is True:
                self.c_type = "int8_t"
                self.c_type = "uint8_t"

    def is_output_bus(self):
        """Tells whether this Bus is an output bus.

            bool: Returns True if it is an output bus of some component.
        return self.out_bus

    def bus_extend(self, N: int, prefix: str = "bus", desired_extension_wire: Wire = ConstantWireValue0()):
        """Provides bus extension to contain more wires.

            N (int): Number of wires in the bus. Defaults to 1.
            prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of the bus. Defaults to "bus".
            desired_extension_wire (Wire, optional): Specifies the wire that should be connected to all of the extending bus wires. Defaults to ConstantWireValue0().
        # Checks if any extension is neccesarry and if so, proceeds to wire extend the bus
        if self.N < N:
            # Adding wires into current bus's wires list (wire names are concatenated from bus prefix and their index position inside the bus in square brackets)
            self.bus += [Wire(name=prefix+f"[{i}]", prefix=prefix, index=i, parent_bus=self) for i in range(self.N, N)]

            for w_index in range(self.N, N):
                self.connect(bus_wire_index=w_index, inner_component_out_wire=desired_extension_wire)

            self.N = N

    def get_wire(self, wire_index: int = 0):
        """Retrieves a wire from the bus by a given index.

            wire_index (int, optional): Index of wire to be retrieved from the bus. Defaults to 0.

            Wire: Returning wire from the bus.
        assert wire_index < self.N, f"Wire index {wire_index} is out of bounds of the bus {self.prefix} with size {self.N}"
        return self.bus[wire_index]

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.get_wire(i)

    # Connecting output wire of the inner circuit component to desired position in the described circuit's output bus
    def connect(self, bus_wire_index: int, inner_component_out_wire: Wire, inserted_wire_desired_index: int = -1):
        """Connects given 'Wire' object to a 'bus_wire_index' within this bus.

        Used for connection of output wire of the inner circuit component
        to the appropriate wire of the circuit's output bus.

            bus_wire_index (int): Index in bus to store given wire in.
            inner_component_out_wire (Wire): Wire of some other component (mostly its output) to store in the bus.
            inserted_wire_desired_index(int, optional): Optional desired explicit index, where 'inner_component_out_wire' value resides in the inner components's output bus. Otherwise 'inner_component_out_wire' self index value is used. Defaults to -1.
        inserted_wire_index = inserted_wire_desired_index if inserted_wire_desired_index != -1 else inner_component_out_wire.index
        # Used for connection of constant wire value into a bus
        if inner_component_out_wire.is_const():
            self.bus[bus_wire_index] = inner_component_out_wire
        # Proper connection of wires that themselves are not yet a member of any other bus and also those that could be part of some bus but do not have `inserted_wire_desired_index` defined
        elif inner_component_out_wire.parent_bus is None or inserted_wire_desired_index == -1:
            self.bus[bus_wire_index] = Wire(, prefix=inner_component_out_wire.prefix, index=inserted_wire_index, value=inner_component_out_wire.value, parent_bus=self)
        # Proper connection of wires that are already a member of some other bus and are desired to connect value from their previous bus to this one at desired index position
        elif inserted_wire_desired_index != -1:
            self.bus[bus_wire_index] = Wire(, prefix=inner_component_out_wire.parent_bus.prefix, index=inserted_wire_index, value=inner_component_out_wire.value, parent_bus=self)

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        self.connect(i, v)

    def connect_bus(self, connecting_bus: object, start_connection_pos: int = 0, end_connection_pos: int = -1, offset: int = 0):
        """Ensures connection of specified bus wires to this bus wires.

        Used for connection of some inner circuit component's output bus (`connecting_bus`) wires
        to the appropriate input bus (this `self` bus) wires of some other circuit.

            connecting_bus (object): Specifies the connecting bus.
            start_connection_pos (int, optional): Specifies the position from which to start interconnecting wires from the `connecting_bus` to this `self` bus. Defaults to 0.
            end_connection_pos (int, optional): Specifies the position from which to end interconnecting wires from the `connecting_bus` to this `self` bus. Defaults to -1.
            offset (int, optional): Specifies the offset wire index position in the `self` bus for proper connection (i.e. wire at index position 5 in the `connecting_bus` with offset set to 5 will be connected to `self` bus index position 0). Default to 0.
        if end_connection_pos == -1:
            end_connection_pos = self.N

        [self.connect(o-offset, connecting_bus.get_wire(o), inserted_wire_desired_index=o) for o in range(start_connection_pos, end_connection_pos)]

    def return_bus_wires_values_python_flat(self):
        """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Python variable (object) at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

            str: Python code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Python code variable.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
        return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} = 0\n"] + [f"  {self.prefix} = ({self.prefix}) | {w[1].return_wire_value_python_flat(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_python_flat(self, retype: bool = False):
        """Sign extends the bus's corresponding Python variable (object) to ensure proper flat Python code variable signedness.

            str: Python code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
        if self.signed is True:
            last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]

            assert self.N < 64, "Sign extension is not supported for bus with more than 64 bits"
            if retype:
                rewrite = f"""
  if hasattr({self.prefix}, 'astype'):
    {self.prefix} = {self.prefix}.astype("int64")
    from ctypes import c_int64
    {self.prefix} = c_int64({self.prefix}).value\n"""
                rewrite = ""
            return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} = ({self.prefix}) | {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_python_flat(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), 64)]) + rewrite
            return ""

    def __str__(self):
        return f"<wire N={self.N} prefix={self.prefix} \"" + (",".join([str(w) for w in self.bus])) + "\">"

    def get_declaration_c(self):
        """Bus declaration in C code.

            str: C code for declaration and initialization of bus name.
        return f"  {self.c_type} {self.prefix} = 0;\n"

    def return_bus_wires_values_c_flat(self):
        """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

            str: C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
        return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {w[1].return_wire_value_c_flat(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def return_bus_wires_values_c_hier(self):
        """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.

            str: C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, w) for w_id, w in enumerate(self.bus) if ((w.parent_bus is None) or (w.parent_bus is not None and w.prefix != self.prefix) or (w.is_const()))]
        return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {w[1].return_wire_value_c_hier(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_flat(self):
        """Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper flat C code variable signedness.

            str: C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
        if self.signed is True:
            last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]
            return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_c_flat(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), self.c_var_size)])
            return ""

    def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_hier(self):
        """Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper hier C code variable signedness.

            str: C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
        if self.signed is True:
            last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]
            return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_c_hier(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), self.c_var_size)])
            return ""

    def return_bus_wires_values_v_flat(self):
        """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

            str: Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code bus variable.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
        return "".join([f"  assign {self.prefix}[{w[0]}] = {w[1].return_wire_value_v_flat()}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def return_bus_wires_values_v_hier(self):
        """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.

            str: Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code variable.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, w) for w_id, w in enumerate(self.bus) if ((w.parent_bus is None) or (w.parent_bus is not None and w.prefix != self.prefix) or (w.is_const()))]
        return "".join([f"  assign {self.prefix}[{w[0]}] = {w[1].return_wire_value_v_hier()}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def get_unique_assign_out_wires_v(self, circuit_block: object):
        """Returns bus's wires used for hierarchical one bit subcomponent's function block invocation and output wires assignments.

            circuit_block (object): Object describing corresponding function block that is being invoked for proper output wires assignment during instantiation.

            str: Verilog code unique bus wires for proper subcomponent's function block invocation.
        unique_out_wires = []
        [unique_out_wires.append(w.prefix) if w.prefix not in unique_out_wires else None for w in self.bus]
        return "".join([f", .{circuit_block.out.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).prefix}({unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index(o.prefix))})" if o.prefix in unique_out_wires else f", .{circuit_block.out.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).prefix}()" for o in self.bus])

    def get_wire_declaration_v(self):
        """Declare the wire in Verilog code representation.

            str: Verilog code for declaration of individual bus wires.
        return f"  wire [{self.N-1}:0] {self.prefix};\n"

    def get_wire_declaration_blif(self):
        """Declare each wire from the bus independently in Blif code representation.

            str: Blif code for declaration of individual bus wires.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
        array = True if self.N > 1 else False
        return "".join([f" {w[1].get_declaration_blif(prefix=self.prefix, offset=w[0], array=array)}" for w in mapped_positions])

    def get_wire_assign_blif(self, output: bool = False):
        """Assign all bits from the bus as each individual wires or assign wires into the corresponding output bus position in Blif code representation.

            output (bool, optional): Specifies whether bus wires are used as outputs (True, assigned to) or as inputs (False, assigned from). Defaults to False.

            str: Blif code for bus wires assignments.
        # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
        # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
        mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
        if self.N > 1:
            return "".join([w[1].get_assign_blif(prefix=self.prefix+f"[{w[0]}]", output=output) for w in mapped_positions])
            return "".join([w[1].get_assign_blif(prefix=self.prefix, output=output) for w in mapped_positions])

    def get_unique_assign_out_wires_blif(self, function_block_out_bus: object):
        """Assigns unique output wires to their respective outputs of subcomponent's function block modul in hierarchical Blif subcomponent's invocation.

            function_block_out_bus (object): Specifies output bus of corresponding function block's outputs for proper subcomponent modul invocation.

            str: Blif code for proper subcomponent's function block invocation with respective output wires assignment.
        unique_out_wires = []
        [unique_out_wires.append(w.prefix) if w.prefix not in unique_out_wires else None for w in self.bus]
        return "".join([f" {function_block_out_bus.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).name}={unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index(o.prefix))}" if o.prefix in unique_out_wires else "" for o in self.bus])


def bus_extend(self,
N: int,
prefix: str = 'bus',
desired_extension_wire: Wire = <ariths_gen.wire_components.wires.ConstantWireValue0 object>)

Provides bus extension to contain more wires.


N : int
Number of wires in the bus. Defaults to 1.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of the bus. Defaults to "bus".
desired_extension_wire : Wire, optional
Specifies the wire that should be connected to all of the extending bus wires. Defaults to ConstantWireValue0().
Expand source code
def bus_extend(self, N: int, prefix: str = "bus", desired_extension_wire: Wire = ConstantWireValue0()):
    """Provides bus extension to contain more wires.

        N (int): Number of wires in the bus. Defaults to 1.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of the bus. Defaults to "bus".
        desired_extension_wire (Wire, optional): Specifies the wire that should be connected to all of the extending bus wires. Defaults to ConstantWireValue0().
    # Checks if any extension is neccesarry and if so, proceeds to wire extend the bus
    if self.N < N:
        # Adding wires into current bus's wires list (wire names are concatenated from bus prefix and their index position inside the bus in square brackets)
        self.bus += [Wire(name=prefix+f"[{i}]", prefix=prefix, index=i, parent_bus=self) for i in range(self.N, N)]

        for w_index in range(self.N, N):
            self.connect(bus_wire_index=w_index, inner_component_out_wire=desired_extension_wire)

        self.N = N
def connect(self,
bus_wire_index: int,
inner_component_out_wire: Wire,
inserted_wire_desired_index: int = -1)

Connects given 'Wire' object to a 'bus_wire_index' within this bus.

Used for connection of output wire of the inner circuit component to the appropriate wire of the circuit's output bus.


bus_wire_index : int
Index in bus to store given wire in.
inner_component_out_wire : Wire
Wire of some other component (mostly its output) to store in the bus.

inserted_wire_desired_index(int, optional): Optional desired explicit index, where 'inner_component_out_wire' value resides in the inner components's output bus. Otherwise 'inner_component_out_wire' self index value is used. Defaults to -1.

Expand source code
def connect(self, bus_wire_index: int, inner_component_out_wire: Wire, inserted_wire_desired_index: int = -1):
    """Connects given 'Wire' object to a 'bus_wire_index' within this bus.

    Used for connection of output wire of the inner circuit component
    to the appropriate wire of the circuit's output bus.

        bus_wire_index (int): Index in bus to store given wire in.
        inner_component_out_wire (Wire): Wire of some other component (mostly its output) to store in the bus.
        inserted_wire_desired_index(int, optional): Optional desired explicit index, where 'inner_component_out_wire' value resides in the inner components's output bus. Otherwise 'inner_component_out_wire' self index value is used. Defaults to -1.
    inserted_wire_index = inserted_wire_desired_index if inserted_wire_desired_index != -1 else inner_component_out_wire.index
    # Used for connection of constant wire value into a bus
    if inner_component_out_wire.is_const():
        self.bus[bus_wire_index] = inner_component_out_wire
    # Proper connection of wires that themselves are not yet a member of any other bus and also those that could be part of some bus but do not have `inserted_wire_desired_index` defined
    elif inner_component_out_wire.parent_bus is None or inserted_wire_desired_index == -1:
        self.bus[bus_wire_index] = Wire(, prefix=inner_component_out_wire.prefix, index=inserted_wire_index, value=inner_component_out_wire.value, parent_bus=self)
    # Proper connection of wires that are already a member of some other bus and are desired to connect value from their previous bus to this one at desired index position
    elif inserted_wire_desired_index != -1:
        self.bus[bus_wire_index] = Wire(, prefix=inner_component_out_wire.parent_bus.prefix, index=inserted_wire_index, value=inner_component_out_wire.value, parent_bus=self)
def connect_bus(self,
connecting_bus: object,
start_connection_pos: int = 0,
end_connection_pos: int = -1,
offset: int = 0)

Ensures connection of specified bus wires to this bus wires.

Used for connection of some inner circuit component's output bus (connecting_bus) wires to the appropriate input bus (this self bus) wires of some other circuit.


connecting_bus : object
Specifies the connecting bus.
start_connection_pos : int, optional
Specifies the position from which to start interconnecting wires from the connecting_bus to this self bus. Defaults to 0.
end_connection_pos : int, optional
Specifies the position from which to end interconnecting wires from the connecting_bus to this self bus. Defaults to -1.
offset : int, optional
Specifies the offset wire index position in the self bus for proper connection (i.e. wire at index position 5 in the connecting_bus with offset set to 5 will be connected to self bus index position 0). Default to 0.
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def connect_bus(self, connecting_bus: object, start_connection_pos: int = 0, end_connection_pos: int = -1, offset: int = 0):
    """Ensures connection of specified bus wires to this bus wires.

    Used for connection of some inner circuit component's output bus (`connecting_bus`) wires
    to the appropriate input bus (this `self` bus) wires of some other circuit.

        connecting_bus (object): Specifies the connecting bus.
        start_connection_pos (int, optional): Specifies the position from which to start interconnecting wires from the `connecting_bus` to this `self` bus. Defaults to 0.
        end_connection_pos (int, optional): Specifies the position from which to end interconnecting wires from the `connecting_bus` to this `self` bus. Defaults to -1.
        offset (int, optional): Specifies the offset wire index position in the `self` bus for proper connection (i.e. wire at index position 5 in the `connecting_bus` with offset set to 5 will be connected to `self` bus index position 0). Default to 0.
    if end_connection_pos == -1:
        end_connection_pos = self.N

    [self.connect(o-offset, connecting_bus.get_wire(o), inserted_wire_desired_index=o) for o in range(start_connection_pos, end_connection_pos)]
def get_declaration_c(self)

Bus declaration in C code.


C code for declaration and initialization of bus name.
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def get_declaration_c(self):
    """Bus declaration in C code.

        str: C code for declaration and initialization of bus name.
    return f"  {self.c_type} {self.prefix} = 0;\n"
def get_unique_assign_out_wires_blif(self, function_block_out_bus: object)

Assigns unique output wires to their respective outputs of subcomponent's function block modul in hierarchical Blif subcomponent's invocation.


function_block_out_bus : object
Specifies output bus of corresponding function block's outputs for proper subcomponent modul invocation.


Blif code for proper subcomponent's function block invocation with respective output wires assignment.
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def get_unique_assign_out_wires_blif(self, function_block_out_bus: object):
    """Assigns unique output wires to their respective outputs of subcomponent's function block modul in hierarchical Blif subcomponent's invocation.

        function_block_out_bus (object): Specifies output bus of corresponding function block's outputs for proper subcomponent modul invocation.

        str: Blif code for proper subcomponent's function block invocation with respective output wires assignment.
    unique_out_wires = []
    [unique_out_wires.append(w.prefix) if w.prefix not in unique_out_wires else None for w in self.bus]
    return "".join([f" {function_block_out_bus.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).name}={unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index(o.prefix))}" if o.prefix in unique_out_wires else "" for o in self.bus])
def get_unique_assign_out_wires_v(self, circuit_block: object)

Returns bus's wires used for hierarchical one bit subcomponent's function block invocation and output wires assignments.


circuit_block : object
Object describing corresponding function block that is being invoked for proper output wires assignment during instantiation.


Verilog code unique bus wires for proper subcomponent's function block invocation.
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def get_unique_assign_out_wires_v(self, circuit_block: object):
    """Returns bus's wires used for hierarchical one bit subcomponent's function block invocation and output wires assignments.

        circuit_block (object): Object describing corresponding function block that is being invoked for proper output wires assignment during instantiation.

        str: Verilog code unique bus wires for proper subcomponent's function block invocation.
    unique_out_wires = []
    [unique_out_wires.append(w.prefix) if w.prefix not in unique_out_wires else None for w in self.bus]
    return "".join([f", .{circuit_block.out.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).prefix}({unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index(o.prefix))})" if o.prefix in unique_out_wires else f", .{circuit_block.out.get_wire(self.bus.index(o)).prefix}()" for o in self.bus])
def get_wire(self, wire_index: int = 0)

Retrieves a wire from the bus by a given index.


wire_index : int, optional
Index of wire to be retrieved from the bus. Defaults to 0.


Returning wire from the bus.
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def get_wire(self, wire_index: int = 0):
    """Retrieves a wire from the bus by a given index.

        wire_index (int, optional): Index of wire to be retrieved from the bus. Defaults to 0.

        Wire: Returning wire from the bus.
    assert wire_index < self.N, f"Wire index {wire_index} is out of bounds of the bus {self.prefix} with size {self.N}"
    return self.bus[wire_index]
def get_wire_assign_blif(self, output: bool = False)

Assign all bits from the bus as each individual wires or assign wires into the corresponding output bus position in Blif code representation.


output : bool, optional
Specifies whether bus wires are used as outputs (True, assigned to) or as inputs (False, assigned from). Defaults to False.


Blif code for bus wires assignments.
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def get_wire_assign_blif(self, output: bool = False):
    """Assign all bits from the bus as each individual wires or assign wires into the corresponding output bus position in Blif code representation.

        output (bool, optional): Specifies whether bus wires are used as outputs (True, assigned to) or as inputs (False, assigned from). Defaults to False.

        str: Blif code for bus wires assignments.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
    if self.N > 1:
        return "".join([w[1].get_assign_blif(prefix=self.prefix+f"[{w[0]}]", output=output) for w in mapped_positions])
        return "".join([w[1].get_assign_blif(prefix=self.prefix, output=output) for w in mapped_positions])
def get_wire_declaration_blif(self)

Declare each wire from the bus independently in Blif code representation.


Blif code for declaration of individual bus wires.
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def get_wire_declaration_blif(self):
    """Declare each wire from the bus independently in Blif code representation.

        str: Blif code for declaration of individual bus wires.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
    array = True if self.N > 1 else False
    return "".join([f" {w[1].get_declaration_blif(prefix=self.prefix, offset=w[0], array=array)}" for w in mapped_positions])
def get_wire_declaration_v(self)

Declare the wire in Verilog code representation.


Verilog code for declaration of individual bus wires.
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def get_wire_declaration_v(self):
    """Declare the wire in Verilog code representation.

        str: Verilog code for declaration of individual bus wires.
    return f"  wire [{self.N-1}:0] {self.prefix};\n"
def is_output_bus(self)

Tells whether this Bus is an output bus.


Returns True if it is an output bus of some component.
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def is_output_bus(self):
    """Tells whether this Bus is an output bus.

        bool: Returns True if it is an output bus of some component.
    return self.out_bus
def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_flat(self)

Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper flat C code variable signedness.


C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
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def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_flat(self):
    """Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper flat C code variable signedness.

        str: C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
    if self.signed is True:
        last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]
        return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_c_flat(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), self.c_var_size)])
        return ""
def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_hier(self)

Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper hier C code variable signedness.


C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
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def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_c_hier(self):
    """Sign extends the bus's corresponding C variable to ensure proper hier C code variable signedness.

        str: C code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
    if self.signed is True:
        last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]
        return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_c_hier(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), self.c_var_size)])
        return ""
def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_python_flat(self, retype: bool = False)

Sign extends the bus's corresponding Python variable (object) to ensure proper flat Python code variable signedness.


Python code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
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  def return_bus_wires_sign_extend_python_flat(self, retype: bool = False):
      """Sign extends the bus's corresponding Python variable (object) to ensure proper flat Python code variable signedness.

          str: Python code for sign extending the bus variable wire values.
      if self.signed is True:
          last_bus_wire = self.bus[-1]

          assert self.N < 64, "Sign extension is not supported for bus with more than 64 bits"
          if retype:
              rewrite = f"""
if hasattr({self.prefix}, 'astype'):
  {self.prefix} = {self.prefix}.astype("int64")
  from ctypes import c_int64
  {self.prefix} = c_int64({self.prefix}).value\n"""
              rewrite = ""
          return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} = ({self.prefix}) | {last_bus_wire.return_wire_value_python_flat(offset=i)}" for i in range(len(self.bus), 64)]) + rewrite
          return ""
def return_bus_wires_values_c_flat(self)

Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.


C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
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def return_bus_wires_values_c_flat(self):
    """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

        str: C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
    return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {w[1].return_wire_value_c_flat(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])
def return_bus_wires_values_c_hier(self)

Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.


C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
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def return_bus_wires_values_c_hier(self):
    """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding C variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.

        str: C code for assigning wire values into bus represented in C code variable.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, w) for w_id, w in enumerate(self.bus) if ((w.parent_bus is None) or (w.parent_bus is not None and w.prefix != self.prefix) or (w.is_const()))]
    return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} |= {w[1].return_wire_value_c_hier(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])
def return_bus_wires_values_python_flat(self)

Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Python variable (object) at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.


Python code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Python code variable.
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def return_bus_wires_values_python_flat(self):
    """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Python variable (object) at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

        str: Python code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Python code variable.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
    return "".join([f"  {self.prefix} = 0\n"] + [f"  {self.prefix} = ({self.prefix}) | {w[1].return_wire_value_python_flat(offset=w[0])}" for w in mapped_positions])
def return_bus_wires_values_v_flat(self)

Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.


Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code bus variable.
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def return_bus_wires_values_v_flat(self):
    """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for flat generation.

        str: Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code bus variable.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, self.bus[w_id]) for w_id in range(self.N)]
    return "".join([f"  assign {self.prefix}[{w[0]}] = {w[1].return_wire_value_v_flat()}" for w in mapped_positions])
def return_bus_wires_values_v_hier(self)

Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.


Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code variable.
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def return_bus_wires_values_v_hier(self):
    """Retrieves values from bus's wires and stores them in bus's corresponding Verilog variable at proper offset bit position in the bus for hierarchical generation.

        str: Verilog code for assigning wire values into bus represented in Verilog code variable.
    # Ensures correct binding between the bus wire index and the wire itself
    # It is used for the case when multiple of the same wire (e.g. `ContantWireValue0()`) are present in the bus (its id would otherwise be incorrect when using `self.bus.index(_)`)
    mapped_positions = [(w_id, w) for w_id, w in enumerate(self.bus) if ((w.parent_bus is None) or (w.parent_bus is not None and w.prefix != self.prefix) or (w.is_const()))]
    return "".join([f"  assign {self.prefix}[{w[0]}] = {w[1].return_wire_value_v_hier()}" for w in mapped_positions])