Module ariths_gen.one_bit_circuits.logic_gates.logic_gates


class AndGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input AND gate.

───►│  &   │
    │      ├─►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of AND gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which AND gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class AndGate(TwoInputLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input AND gate.

    ───►│  &   │
        │      ├─►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of AND gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which AND gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "and_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 2
        self.operator = "&"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            self.out = b
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue0()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            self.out = a
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue0()
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing AND gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of AND gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"11 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"11 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing AND gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of AND gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing AND gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of AND gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"11 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"11 1\n"

Inherited members

class NandGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input NAND gate.

───►│ &    │
    │      │O──►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of NAND gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NAND gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class NandGate(TwoInputInvertedLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input NAND gate.

    ───►│ &    │
        │      │O──►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of NAND gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NAND gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "nand_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 5
        self.operator = "&"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=b, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue1()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=a, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue1()
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing NAND gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of NAND gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"0- 1\n-0 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"0- 1\n-0 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing NAND gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of NAND gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing NAND gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of NAND gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"0- 1\n-0 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"0- 1\n-0 1\n"

Inherited members

class NorGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input NOR gate.

───►│ ≥1   │
    │      │O──►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of NOR gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class NorGate(TwoInputInvertedLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input NOR gate.

    ───►│ ≥1   │
        │      │O──►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of NOR gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "nor_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 6
        self.operator = "|"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue0()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=b, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue0()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=a, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing NOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of NOR gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"00 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"00 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing NOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of NOR gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing NOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of NOR gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"00 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"00 1\n"

Inherited members

class NotGate (a: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing one input NOT gate.

    │  1   │
───►│      │O─►
    │      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
Input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of NOT gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NOT gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class NotGate(OneInputLogicGate):
    """Class representing one input NOT gate.

        │  1   │
    ───►│      │O─►
        │      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): Input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of NOT gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which NOT gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "not_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 1
        self.operator = "~"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue0()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue1()
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing NOT gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of NOT gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"0 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"0 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing NOT gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of NOT gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing NOT gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of NOT gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"0 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"0 1\n"

Inherited members

class OrGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input OR gate.

───►│ ≥1   │
    │      ├─►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of OR gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which OR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class OrGate(TwoInputLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input OR gate.

    ───►│ ≥1   │
        │      ├─►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of OR gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which OR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "or_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 3
        self.operator = "|"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue1()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            self.out = b
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            self.out = ConstantWireValue1()
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            self.out = a
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing OR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of OR gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"1- 1\n-1 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"1- 1\n-1 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing OR gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of OR gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing OR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of OR gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"1- 1\n-1 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"1- 1\n-1 1\n"

Inherited members

class XnorGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input XNOR gate.

───►│ =1   │
    │      │O──►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of XNOR gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which XNOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class XnorGate(TwoInputInvertedLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input XNOR gate.

    ───►│ =1   │
        │      │O──►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of XNOR gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which XNOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid:  int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "xnor_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 7
        self.operator = "^"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            self.out = b
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=b, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            self.out = a
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=a, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing XNOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of XNOR gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"00 1\n11 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"00 1\n11 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing XNOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of XNOR gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing XNOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of XNOR gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"00 1\n11 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"00 1\n11 1\n"

Inherited members

class XorGate (a: Wire,
b: Wire,
prefix: str = '',
outid: int = 0,
parent_component: object = None)

Class representing two input XOR gate.

───►│ =1   │
    │      ├─►
───►│      │

Description of the init method.


a : Wire
First input wire.
b : Wire
Second input wire.
prefix : str, optional
Prefix name of XOR gate. Defaults to "".
outid : int, optional
Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.

parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which XOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class XorGate(TwoInputLogicGate):
    """Class representing two input XOR gate.

    ───►│ =1   │
        │      ├─►
    ───►│      │

    Description of the __init__ method.

        a (Wire): First input wire.
        b (Wire): Second input wire.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of XOR gate. Defaults to "".
        outid (int, optional): Index of output wire. Defaults to 0.
        parent_component (object, optional) Object of upper component of which XOR gate is a subcomponent. Defaults to None.
    def __init__(self, a: Wire, b: Wire, prefix: str = "", outid: int = 0, parent_component: object = None):
        super().__init__(a, b, prefix, outid, parent_component)
        self.gate_type = "xor_gate"
        self.cgp_function = 4
        self.operator = "^"

        # Logic gate output wire generation based on input values
        # If constant input is present, logic gate is not generated and corresponding
        # input value is propagated to the output to connect to other components
        if a.is_const() and a.value == 1:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=b, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif a.is_const() and a.value == 0:
            self.out = b
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 1:
            assert self.parent_component, "Parent component for gate {self} is not defined"
            output = NotGate(a=a, prefix=prefix + "_not", outid=outid, parent_component=parent_component)
            self.parent_component.add_component(output) if parent_component is not None else None
            self.out = output.out
            self.disable_generation = True
        elif b.is_const() and b.value == 0:
            self.out = a
            self.disable_generation = True
            self.out = Wire(name=prefix)

    def get_function_blif(self):
        """Generates Blif code representing XOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

            str: Blif description of XOR gate's Boolean function.
        if self.disable_generation:
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
                   f"01 1\n10 1\n"
            return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
                   f"01 1\n10 1\n"



def get_function_blif(self)

Generates Blif code representing XOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.


Blif description of XOR gate's Boolean function.
Expand source code
def get_function_blif(self):
    """Generates Blif code representing XOR gate Boolean function using its truth table.

        str: Blif description of XOR gate's Boolean function.
    if self.disable_generation:
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {}_out\n" + \
               f"01 1\n10 1\n"
        return f".names {self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.b.get_wire_value_blif()} {self.out.get_wire_value_blif()}\n" + \
               f"01 1\n10 1\n"

Inherited members