Module ariths_gen.core.one_bit_circuits.two_input_one_bit_circuit
class TwoInputOneBitCircuit (a: Wire = <ariths_gen.wire_components.wires.Wire object>,
b: Wire = <ariths_gen.wire_components.wires.Wire object>,
prefix: str = '',
name: str = 'two_input_one_bit_circuit')-
Class represents a general two input one bit circuit and implements their generation to various representations. It is derived from
class.Description of the init method.
- First input wire.
- Second input wire.
, optional- Prefix name of circuit. Defaults to "".
, optional- Name of circuit. Defaults to "two_input_one_bit_circuit".
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class TwoInputOneBitCircuit(GeneralCircuit): """Class represents a general two input one bit circuit and implements their generation to various representations. It is derived from `ArithmeticCircuit` class. Description of the __init__ method. Args: a (Wire): First input wire. b (Wire): Second input wire. prefix (str, optional): Prefix name of circuit. Defaults to "". name (str, optional): Name of circuit. Defaults to "two_input_one_bit_circuit". """ def __init__(self, a: Wire = Wire(name="a"), b: Wire = Wire(name="b"), prefix: str = "", name: str = "two_input_one_bit_circuit"): super().__init__(inputs=[a, b], prefix=prefix, name=name, out_N=1, one_bit_circuit=True) self.c_data_type = "uint8_t" """ C CODE GENERATION """ # FLAT C # def get_declaration_c_flat(self): """Generates flat C code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Flat C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_c() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False]) # Wires values initialization and assignment def get_init_c_flat(self): """Generates flat C code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires. Returns: str: Flat C code initialization of two input one bit circuit output wires. """ return "".join([c.get_assign_c_flat() for c in self.components]) # HIERARCHICAL C # # Subcomponent generation def get_function_block_c(self): """Generates hierarchical C code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_c()}\n\n" def get_out_invocation_c(self): """Generates hierarchical C code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code subcomponent's C function invocation and output assignment. """ # Used to retrieve proper component's output wire offset position within the output bus output_bus_wire_names = [] [output_bus_wire_names.append(w.prefix) for w in self.out.bus] circuit_block = self.__class__() return "".join([f" {c.out.prefix} = ({circuit_block.prefix}({self.a.get_wire_value_c_hier()}, {self.b.get_wire_value_c_hier()}) >> {output_bus_wire_names.index(c.out.prefix)}) & 0x01;\n" for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and c.out.prefix in output_bus_wire_names]) # Self circuit hierarchical generation def get_declaration_c_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical C code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_c() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)]) def get_function_out_c_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical C code assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code containing output bus wires assignment. """ return self.out.return_bus_wires_values_c_flat() """ VERILOG CODE GENERATION """ # FLAT VERILOG # def get_prototype_v(self): """Generates Verilog for flat module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Returns: str: Flat module's name and parameters in Verilog. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f"module {self.prefix}(input {}, input {}" + \ "".join([f", output {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + ");\n" def get_declarations_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code declaration of self one bit circuit wires when described one bit circuit is a top module. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner component wires return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_flat() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and not any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)]) def get_declaration_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code declaration of inner component's output wires. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_flat() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False]) # Wires values initialization and assignment def get_init_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code initialization of two input one bit circuit wires. """ return "".join([c.get_assign_v_flat() for c in self.components]) def get_self_init_v_flat(self): """Generates Verilog for self flat module initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Returns: str: Verilog flat module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_assign_v_flat() if c.disable_generation is False else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))} = {c.out.v_const};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires and c.out.is_const() else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))} = {};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else f"" for c in self.components]) # Generating flat Verilog code representation of circuit def get_v_code_flat(self, file_object): """Generates flat Verilog code representation of corresponding one bit circuit. Args: file_object (TextIOWrapper): Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to. """ file_object.write(self.get_prototype_v()) file_object.write(self.get_declarations_v_flat()) file_object.write(self.get_self_init_v_flat()) file_object.write(f"endmodule") # HIERARCHICAL VERILOG # # Subcomponent generation def get_function_block_v(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_v()}\n\n" def get_out_invocation_v(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code subcomponent's module invocation and output assignment. """ circuit_block = self.__class__() return f" {circuit_block.prefix} {circuit_block.prefix}_{self.out.prefix}(.{circuit_block.a.prefix}({self.a.get_wire_value_v_hier()}), .{circuit_block.b.prefix}({self.b.get_wire_value_v_hier()}){self.out.get_unique_assign_out_wires_v(circuit_block)});\n" # Self circuit hierarchical generation def get_prototype_v_hier(self): """Generates Verilog for hierarchical module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Hierarchical module's name and parameters in Verilog. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f"module {self.prefix}(input [0:0] {}, input [0:0] {}" + \ "".join([f", output [0:0] {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + ");\n" def get_declarations_v_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of input subcomponent's circuit wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of subcomponent's function block circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner component wires return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_hier() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and not any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)]) def get_declaration_v_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_hier() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)]) def get_self_init_v_hier(self): """Generates Verilog for hierarchical module's inner initialization and assignment of corresponding arithmetic circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Verilog hierarchical module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_gate_invocation_v() if c.disable_generation is False else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}[0] = {c.out.v_const};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires and c.out.is_const() else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}[0] = {}[0];\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else f"" for c in self.components]) def get_circuit_v(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code subcomponent's function block. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code of subcomponent's function block. """ return f"{self.get_prototype_v_hier()}" + \ f"{self.get_declarations_v_hier()}" + \ f"{self.get_self_init_v_hier()}" + \ f"endmodule" """ BLIF CODE GENERATION """ # FLAT BLIF # def get_declaration_blif(self): """Generates Blif code declaration of two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat/hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Blif code containing declaration of circuit's input/output wires. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f".inputs {self.a.get_wire_declaration_blif()}{self.b.get_wire_declaration_blif()}\n" + \ f".outputs" + \ "".join([f" {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + "\n" + \ f".names vdd\n1\n" + \ f".names gnd\n0\n" def get_function_blif_flat(self, top_modul: bool = False): """Generates flat Blif code with invocation of subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions via their corresponding truth tables. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Args: top_modul (bool, optional): Specifies whether the described circuit represents top modul component (self one bit circuit generation). Defaults to False. Returns: str: Flat Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions. """ if top_modul: unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_function_blif_flat() if c.disable_generation is False else c.out.get_assign_blif(prefix=f"{unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}", output=True) if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else "" for c in self.components]) else: return "".join([c.get_function_blif_flat() for c in self.components]) # Generating flat BLIF code representation of circuit def get_blif_code_flat(self, file_object): """Generates flat Blif code representation of corresponding one bit circuit. Args: file_object (TextIOWrapper): Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to. """ file_object.write(self.get_prototype_blif()) file_object.write(self.get_declaration_blif()) file_object.write(self.get_function_blif_flat(top_modul=True)) file_object.write(f".end\n") # HIERARCHICAL BLIF # # Subcomponent/self circuit generation def get_function_block_blif(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_blif()}" def get_circuit_blif(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code subcomponent's function block. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code of subcomponent's function block. """ return f"{self.get_prototype_blif()}" + \ f"{self.get_declaration_blif()}" + \ f"{self.get_invocations_blif_hier()}" + \ f".end\n" def get_invocations_blif_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code with invocation of subcomponents function blocks. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents function blocks. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_invocation_blif_hier() if c.disable_generation is False else c.out.get_assign_blif(prefix=f"{unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}", output=True) if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else "" for c in self.components]) def get_invocation_blif_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code subcomponent's model invocation. """ circuit_block = self.__class__() return f".subckt {circuit_block.prefix} {circuit_block.a.prefix}={self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {circuit_block.b.prefix}={self.b.get_wire_value_blif()}{self.out.get_unique_assign_out_wires_blif(function_block_out_bus=circuit_block.out)}\n" """ CGP CODE GENERATION """ # FLAT CGP # def get_parameters_cgp(self): """Generates CGP chromosome parameters of corresponding two input one bit circuit. In total seven parameters represent: total inputs, total outputs, number of rows, number of columns (gates), number of each gate's inputs, number of each gate's outputs, quality constant value. Returns: str: CGP chromosome parameters of described circuit. """ self.circuit_gates = self.get_circuit_gates() return f"{{2,{self.out.N},1,{len(self.circuit_gates)},2,1,0}}"
def get_blif_code_flat(self, file_object)
Generates flat Blif code representation of corresponding one bit circuit.
- Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to.
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def get_blif_code_flat(self, file_object): """Generates flat Blif code representation of corresponding one bit circuit. Args: file_object (TextIOWrapper): Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to. """ file_object.write(self.get_prototype_blif()) file_object.write(self.get_declaration_blif()) file_object.write(self.get_function_blif_flat(top_modul=True)) file_object.write(f".end\n")
def get_declaration_blif(self)
Generates Blif code declaration of two input one bit circuit's input/output wires.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat/hierarchical generation.
- Blif code containing declaration of circuit's input/output wires.
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def get_declaration_blif(self): """Generates Blif code declaration of two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat/hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Blif code containing declaration of circuit's input/output wires. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f".inputs {self.a.get_wire_declaration_blif()}{self.b.get_wire_declaration_blif()}\n" + \ f".outputs" + \ "".join([f" {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + "\n" + \ f".names vdd\n1\n" + \ f".names gnd\n0\n"
def get_declaration_c_flat(self)
Generates flat C code declaration of output wires.
- Flat C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires.
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def get_declaration_c_flat(self): """Generates flat C code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Flat C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_c() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False])
def get_declaration_c_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical C code declaration of output wires.
- Hierarchical C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires.
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def get_declaration_c_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical C code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_c() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)])
def get_declaration_v_flat(self)
Generates flat Verilog code declaration of inner component's output wires.
- Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires.
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def get_declaration_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code declaration of inner component's output wires. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_flat() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False])
def get_declaration_v_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of output wires.
- Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of circuit wires.
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def get_declaration_v_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner components outputs return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_hier() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)])
def get_declarations_v_flat(self)
Generates flat Verilog code declaration of self one bit circuit wires when described one bit circuit is a top module.
- Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires.
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def get_declarations_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code declaration of self one bit circuit wires when described one bit circuit is a top module. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code containing unique declaration of one bit circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner component wires return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_flat() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and not any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)])
def get_declarations_v_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of input subcomponent's circuit wires.
- Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of subcomponent's function block circuit wires.
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def get_declarations_v_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code declaration of input subcomponent's circuit wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code containing unique declaration of subcomponent's function block circuit wires. """ # Unique declaration of all circuit's inner component wires return "".join([c.out.get_declaration_v_hier() for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and not any(o.prefix == c.out.prefix for o in self.out.bus)])
def get_function_blif_flat(self, top_modul: bool = False)
Generates flat Blif code with invocation of subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions via their corresponding truth tables.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation.
, optional- Specifies whether the described circuit represents top modul component (self one bit circuit generation). Defaults to False.
- Flat Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions.
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def get_function_blif_flat(self, top_modul: bool = False): """Generates flat Blif code with invocation of subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions via their corresponding truth tables. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Args: top_modul (bool, optional): Specifies whether the described circuit represents top modul component (self one bit circuit generation). Defaults to False. Returns: str: Flat Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents logic gates Boolean functions. """ if top_modul: unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_function_blif_flat() if c.disable_generation is False else c.out.get_assign_blif(prefix=f"{unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}", output=True) if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else "" for c in self.components]) else: return "".join([c.get_function_blif_flat() for c in self.components])
def get_function_block_blif(self)
Generates hierarchical Blif code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description.
- Hierarchical Blif code of two input one bit circuit's function block description.
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def get_function_block_blif(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_blif()}"
def get_function_block_c(self)
Generates hierarchical C code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description.
- Hierarchical C code of two input one bit circuit's function block description.
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def get_function_block_c(self): """Generates hierarchical C code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_c()}\n\n"
def get_function_block_v(self)
Generates hierarchical Verilog code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description.
- Hierarchical Verilog code of two input one bit circuit's function block description.
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def get_function_block_v(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code representation of corresponding two input one bit circuit used as function block in hierarchical circuit description. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code of two input one bit circuit's function block description. """ adder_block = self.__class__() return f"{adder_block.get_circuit_v()}\n\n"
def get_function_out_c_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical C code assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires.
- Hierarchical C code containing output bus wires assignment.
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def get_function_out_c_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical C code assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code containing output bus wires assignment. """ return self.out.return_bus_wires_values_c_flat()
def get_init_c_flat(self)
Generates flat C code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires.
- Flat C code initialization of two input one bit circuit output wires.
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def get_init_c_flat(self): """Generates flat C code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's output wires. Returns: str: Flat C code initialization of two input one bit circuit output wires. """ return "".join([c.get_assign_c_flat() for c in self.components])
def get_init_v_flat(self)
Generates flat Verilog code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires.
- Flat Verilog code initialization of two input one bit circuit wires.
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def get_init_v_flat(self): """Generates flat Verilog code initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. Returns: str: Flat Verilog code initialization of two input one bit circuit wires. """ return "".join([c.get_assign_v_flat() for c in self.components])
def get_invocation_blif_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical Blif code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block.
- Hierarchical Blif code subcomponent's model invocation.
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def get_invocation_blif_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code subcomponent's model invocation. """ circuit_block = self.__class__() return f".subckt {circuit_block.prefix} {circuit_block.a.prefix}={self.a.get_wire_value_blif()} {circuit_block.b.prefix}={self.b.get_wire_value_blif()}{self.out.get_unique_assign_out_wires_blif(function_block_out_bus=circuit_block.out)}\n"
def get_invocations_blif_hier(self)
Generates hierarchical Blif code with invocation of subcomponents function blocks.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation.
- Hierarchical Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents function blocks.
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def get_invocations_blif_hier(self): """Generates hierarchical Blif code with invocation of subcomponents function blocks. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner modul prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Hierarchical Blif code containing invocation of inner subcomponents function blocks. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_invocation_blif_hier() if c.disable_generation is False else c.out.get_assign_blif(prefix=f"{unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}", output=True) if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else "" for c in self.components])
def get_out_invocation_c(self)
Generates hierarchical C code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block.
Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked.
- Hierarchical C code subcomponent's C function invocation and output assignment.
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def get_out_invocation_c(self): """Generates hierarchical C code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked. Returns: str: Hierarchical C code subcomponent's C function invocation and output assignment. """ # Used to retrieve proper component's output wire offset position within the output bus output_bus_wire_names = [] [output_bus_wire_names.append(w.prefix) for w in self.out.bus] circuit_block = self.__class__() return "".join([f" {c.out.prefix} = ({circuit_block.prefix}({self.a.get_wire_value_c_hier()}, {self.b.get_wire_value_c_hier()}) >> {output_bus_wire_names.index(c.out.prefix)}) & 0x01;\n" for c in self.components if c.disable_generation is False and c.out.prefix in output_bus_wire_names])
def get_out_invocation_v(self)
Generates hierarchical Verilog code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block.
Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked.
- Hierarchical Verilog code subcomponent's module invocation and output assignment.
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def get_out_invocation_v(self): """Generates hierarchical Verilog code invocation of corresponding two input one bit circuit's generated function block. Assigns output values from invocation of the corresponding function block into inner wires present inside the upper component from which function block has been invoked. Returns: str: Hierarchical Verilog code subcomponent's module invocation and output assignment. """ circuit_block = self.__class__() return f" {circuit_block.prefix} {circuit_block.prefix}_{self.out.prefix}(.{circuit_block.a.prefix}({self.a.get_wire_value_v_hier()}), .{circuit_block.b.prefix}({self.b.get_wire_value_v_hier()}){self.out.get_unique_assign_out_wires_v(circuit_block)});\n"
def get_parameters_cgp(self)
Generates CGP chromosome parameters of corresponding two input one bit circuit.
In total seven parameters represent: total inputs, total outputs, number of rows, number of columns (gates), number of each gate's inputs, number of each gate's outputs, quality constant value.
- CGP chromosome parameters of described circuit.
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def get_parameters_cgp(self): """Generates CGP chromosome parameters of corresponding two input one bit circuit. In total seven parameters represent: total inputs, total outputs, number of rows, number of columns (gates), number of each gate's inputs, number of each gate's outputs, quality constant value. Returns: str: CGP chromosome parameters of described circuit. """ self.circuit_gates = self.get_circuit_gates() return f"{{2,{self.out.N},1,{len(self.circuit_gates)},2,1,0}}"
def get_prototype_v(self)
Generates Verilog for flat module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation.
- Flat module's name and parameters in Verilog.
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def get_prototype_v(self): """Generates Verilog for flat module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Returns: str: Flat module's name and parameters in Verilog. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f"module {self.prefix}(input {}, input {}" + \ "".join([f", output {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + ");\n"
def get_prototype_v_hier(self)
Generates Verilog for hierarchical module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation.
- Hierarchical module's name and parameters in Verilog.
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def get_prototype_v_hier(self): """Generates Verilog for hierarchical module header to describe corresponding two input one bit circuit's interface in Verilog. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module logic is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Hierarchical module's name and parameters in Verilog. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return f"module {self.prefix}(input [0:0] {}, input [0:0] {}" + \ "".join([f", output [0:0] {o}" for o in unique_out_wires]) + ");\n"
def get_self_init_v_flat(self)
Generates Verilog for self flat module initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation.
- Verilog flat module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment.
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def get_self_init_v_flat(self): """Generates Verilog for self flat module initialization and assignment of corresponding two input one bit circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit flat generation. Returns: str: Verilog flat module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_assign_v_flat() if c.disable_generation is False else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))} = {c.out.v_const};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires and c.out.is_const() else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))} = {};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else f"" for c in self.components])
def get_self_init_v_hier(self)
Generates Verilog for hierarchical module's inner initialization and assignment of corresponding arithmetic circuit's input/output wires.
It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation.
- Verilog hierarchical module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment.
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def get_self_init_v_hier(self): """Generates Verilog for hierarchical module's inner initialization and assignment of corresponding arithmetic circuit's input/output wires. It is adapted for generation of general description of two input one bit circuits as well as their modified versions when some inputs are desired as constant values. In such cases the inner module prototype is also modified accordingly. It is used for self two input one bit circuit hierarchical generation. Returns: str: Verilog hierarchical module's inner circuit wires initialization and assignment. """ unique_out_wires = [] [unique_out_wires.append("_outid"+str(self.out.bus.index(o))) if o.is_const() or in [,] else unique_out_wires.append( for o in self.out.bus] return "".join([c.get_gate_invocation_v() if c.disable_generation is False else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}[0] = {c.out.v_const};\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires and c.out.is_const() else f" assign {unique_out_wires.pop(unique_out_wires.index('_outid'+str(c.outid)))}[0] = {}[0];\n" if f"{'_outid'+str(c.outid)}" in unique_out_wires else f"" for c in self.components])
def get_v_code_flat(self, file_object)
Generates flat Verilog code representation of corresponding one bit circuit.
- Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to.
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def get_v_code_flat(self, file_object): """Generates flat Verilog code representation of corresponding one bit circuit. Args: file_object (TextIOWrapper): Destination file object where circuit's representation will be written to. """ file_object.write(self.get_prototype_v()) file_object.write(self.get_declarations_v_flat()) file_object.write(self.get_self_init_v_flat()) file_object.write(f"endmodule")
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